Information about . Charges below:
was arrested on 01/01/70.
Booking Date: 01/01/70 City:
Charge Title | Type | Bond |
Oh snap! The charges are not yet available, please check back later. |
On December 29, 2022, ACCPD responded to a downtown bank in regards to an individual attempting to cash a stolen check. The suspect fled upon the arrival of law enforcement but because officer’s persistence and community assistance, officers were able to locate the suspect in the area of Broad Street and Milledge Avenue. The suspect, Jason Williamson, 38, of Nicholson, GA, was taken into custody without further incident. At the time of his arrest, Williamson was in possession of over 60 pieces of stolen mail and numerous stolen and forged checks. As a result of collaboration from our Patrol Division and our Property Crimes Unit, Williamson was charged with several crimes related to this incident with additional charges likely forthcoming.